If you and your spouse have considered separation or divorce, you may have come across the term ‘conscious uncoupling’ in your research. The therapeutic concept has been utilized by celebrities and in high net-worth divorces. Attorney Robin M. Mermans explains how Collaborative Divorce serves as the legal side of conscious uncoupling.
By Robin M. Mermans, Esq. of ROAD to RESOLUTION
A respectful divorce is possible when you choose a method that supports healthy negotiation and collaboration techniques. In recent years “conscious uncoupling” has become popular. While the concept has been around for 15 years, it gained popularity thanks in part to celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. They embraced the method during their divorce journey and approach to co-parenting while maintaining awareness, respect, and dignity for all involved.
Conscious uncoupling was initially coined by author and licensed marriage and family therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas in 2009. As a Collaborative Family Law attorney with personal and professional experience with marriage, divorce, and co-parenting, I often discuss this concept during initial consultations with clients.
Conscious uncoupling and Collaborative Divorce go hand-in-hand. While conscious uncoupling is the emotional approach to divorce, Collaborative Divorce is the legal approach, both designed to help you divorce with intentionally and with thoughtful consideration of all parties involved. If you’re considering divorce, and want to approach through an emotionally intelligent lens, Collaborative Divorce is the process you are looking for.
Divorce Without Destruction
In my professional experience as a Collaborative Family Law attorney, I’ve helped couples divorce with dignity and without destruction. Creating a non-adversarial experience is a hallmark of both conscious uncoupling and Collaborative Divorce. When you and your spouse commit to the Collaborative Process, you agree that you will maintain respect and civility toward one another with the signing of a Participation Agreement. Through this contract, both parties show their commitment to using collaboration and cooperation strategies.
Save Time and Money
Since Collaborative Divorce is an alternative dispute resolution process in North Carolina, divorcing spouses can stay out of court. Instead of allowing a judge to make decisions for you, Collaborative Divorce couples work through their marital and legal issues with a problem-solving mentality, saving money on court costs and legal representation. While traditional divorce litigation can take several years, Collaborative Divorce processes are known to be not only effective, but also efficient.
Support Healthy Co-Parenting
When children are involved in divorce, it’s essential to set the tone for a healthy co-parenting relationship. Conscious uncoupling and Collaborative Divorce encourage this process by prioritizing the well-being of any children involved. Through open communication and cooperation, parents work together to create a mutually beneficial parenting plan that suits the unique needs of their children. As a trained co-parenting coach, I work with families to maintain a positive and child-centered approach to support the well-being of their children and establish a healthy co-parenting relationship.
We’re Here to Help
ROAD to RESOLUTION can help you effectively navigate your separation and divorce journey using conscious uncoupling with Collaborative Divorce. As a Collaborative attorney, certified mediator, and co-parenting coach, I can serve as a resource for your separation, divorce, and co-parenting needs. Please give us a call at (980) 260-1600 and we can discuss your legal options. Our Charlotte-based team is here to help you and your family.
Note: This feature is intended to be informational only and shall not be construed as legal advice.
Robin M. Mermans is a Collaborative attorney, certified mediator, and co-parenting coach. She owns ROAD to RESOLUTION: Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Family Law in Charlotte. With her unique perspective as an attorney, mother, and stepmother, she is an expert in shared parenting solutions and co-parenting guidance. She is committed to using her personal story and passion to help her clients save time and money, while avoiding unnecessary emotional turmoil during their divorce journey and on their road to resolution.
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